Parents describe my posts as mini coaching sessions, because they are filled with the latest information and powerful practical 'how to's'

How to Help a Highly Sensitive Child

Dear Wonderful Parent I hope this message finds you wrapped in a moment of peace amidst the storm of daily life. Today, I am writing about something close to my heart—something I think many of us share, whether we realize it or not. It’s about being…

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Choosing the Right Practitioner for your Child

In a world where too many kids struggle to learn easily, feel good and behave positively, there is nothing more empowering for a parent than to know how to Take Charge and help them. If you read my blog or follow my work, you know that my mission is…

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Why Your Child is Unmotivated and What to Do About It

There seems to be a lot of children who have low motivation and little desire or drive to learn, to achieve, to get better grades. So, let’s spend some time talking about what exactly does this term ‘Motivation’ mean?  We use that term pretty…

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YOU Can Heal Your Child’s Anxiety

The condition we call ‘Anxiety’ has now reached epidemic proportions amongst adults and children.  The statistics are staggering.  Yet there is no blood test for this.  We cannot see it on a scan.  So, what exactly is it?  What anxiety really is,…

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The Real Truth about Healing Your Child, Spirit-Body-Brain

Dr. Sandy Gluckman, an integrative child therapist, and Dr. Alina Olteanu, an integrative pediatrician, know all too well that treating only the symptoms does not heal children's chronic health or behavior problems. Together, they offer a natural…

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Your Children can Sense Your Anxiety, Stress or Sadness, 4 Tell-Tale Signs

When our children are anxious, worried, or sad, it is very often because they are picking up that their parent is sad, worried or anxious. Here’s how this happens. You were once a baby that grew up in an environment where you either felt happy or…

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Do you have an Anxious Child with Low Self-Esteem? 4 Ways to Replace Anxiety with Self-Confidence

A CDC Study April 19, 2019 found that 7.1% of children aged 3-17 (approximately 4.4 million) have been diagnosed with anxiety. For children aged 3-17 years with behavior problems, more than 1 in 3 – that is 36.6% also have anxiety. The question is…

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Is Screen Addiction Responsible for My Child’s Mood and Behavior Challenges? And if so, what do I do about this?

The answer is YES!   But before I tell you what to do about this let’s talk about what happens to a child addicted to screens.   It’s a 4-part story. Part 1 of the screen addiction story Your child’s body and brain become overstimulated from too…

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Is Your Child a Canary in the Coal Mine?

I am so glad that you are reading this because it means that I have the opportunity to tell you that if you have a child that has any kind of learning, behavior or mood problems, you are truly blessed.  You are blessed because you have an…

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Is Your Child’s Behavior with Social Media or Video Games a Sign of Addiction?

8 Ways to Prevent or Reverse Addiction Many parents are uncertain about whether their children are showing signs of being addicted to technology or simply behaving in age-appropriate and expected ways. When it comes to your child’s use of social…

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