Parent Stories
Hi, I proudly invite you to discover the powerful stories of healing, shared by just some of the thousands of Moms, Dads and Grandparents who have learned how to use my PARENTING THAT HEALS approach to heal their children… and themselves
As you scroll down you can …
Listen to truly awesome audio sound bites (between 50 secs to 1 minute each)
And you can read examples of written testimonials and emails I have received
Listen to these Short Powerful Sound Bites
Annie’s Message
Christina’s Message
Kylee’s Message
Lacey’s Message
Message from Telicia and her Mom
Julie’s Message
Neha’s Message
Sharath’s Message
Landon’s Testimonial
Written Testimonials and Emails
“Dr. Gluckman came into our lives at a particularly challenging time. I was extremely worried about my son’s health and his future. We had tried several different therapies, treatments, and approaches without much success. From day one, Dr. Gluckman provided hope, tangible tools, and a framework for shifting my perspective. She helped me understand what was going on behind my son’s behaviors which enabled me to truly see my son again, to parent with more empathy and compassion, and to find my own place of calm. Once I was able to better manage myself, it was remarkable to see the changes that took place in my son within a very short amount of time. She has brought so much healing and hope to our family of two.””
-Erin M.
Comment in YouTube Dec. 29, 2023
“Dr. Sandy – my hubby and I have taken your class and that has moved the bar so far in our family in terms of peace, tranquility, love and understanding of our children’s beautiful souls in the web of humanity. I absolutely love seeing your messages like this. Thank you for your gift to our family.”
“My son’s behavior overall has changed drastically, like honestly a total 180 degree turn for the better. Aggression is down to like 10%, talking him out of things and into other things is easier, he is starting to be vocal about his feelings and he has been more affectionate towards other friends. He has more courage now to go and talk to other kids. and most importantly me and him – this is a whole new relationship, He is just full of hugs and attachment like never before and he apologizes even if it’s 2 hours later without me talking about things.. he somehow comes later and acknowledges and owns his mistakes.” -Tom
“Dr. Sandy, I cannot thank you enough for the wisdom you have shared with us over the past 10 weeks. It is truly life changing. I am very optimistic about what we have accomplished so far and where this will lead us. Your work is amazing and you’re an incredible visionary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” -Amber
“We are making amazing progress. I’ve established a connection I’ve never had with my son and with myself, including letting go of my past. So, THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!!” -May
“I am only almost mid-way through the program, and it’s already changing everything for the better!! I’m also grateful for all of you fellow parents on this journey it feels good to do this process as a group.” -Dina
Email received from 10-Session Program graduate 11/27/2023
“I’m definitely seeing improvements. In the last few weeks, I’ve seen him smile and laugh again. He was playing the piano a few days ago (and he hasn’t in years). He’s playing pickleball again, socializing with others and talking to me (really talking). My child is coming alive again. I see the stress coming down. I see his confidence building. God bless your work and I wish you continued success for fighting for these children.” -Kathy
“Our work with you has definitely moved the bar in terms of peace and tranquility in our family and keeping our family unit together. Bickering has shrunk to a bare minimum, and the kids feel safe and very happy to be here (when they are not busy being teenagers). We understand our kids better. We have fun and laugh. We practice the things we learned from you. I am eternally grateful. Thank you for how you helped our family. You hold a special place in my life for how you have helped us all heal.” -Sharon
Email received from 10-Session Program graduate 4/9/2023:
“I wanted to thank you profusely for this educational journey. It has opened my mind and my heart. My relationship with my daughter is getting so much better now. These tools are very helpful. I have started enjoying her company so much once I started to understand her, which I was just not able to do, rather I wanted her to understand me. She is becoming responsible at school; her grades are improving; she has lost over 11 pounds of weight because she is not stress-eating. I see her smiling and laughing much more these days. She wants to do more activities with me, which never used to be the case, because every encounter would turn into a conflict and a lecture.
All my life, I was not able to empathize and relate to my first born, my child whom I love so much. If it wasn’t for this journey with you, I would have continued to be unable to empathize with her and understand her. God bless you for the work that you do. I am a fan of yours for life”. -Joy
“This program was our child’s exit out of the mental health system and has healed an eating disorder. We have been transformed and our home has been restored . We are more whole, our marriage is stronger, we know exactly what our children need to thrive and they are thriving! There is no other program that can do what Dr. Sandy can do in just 10 weeks of time. We are forever grateful to Dr. Sandy.” -Jen and Gregg
“We have tried numerous things to help our son overcome his behavior and learning challenges, but nothing really resulted in any significant improvement. We have never seen real progress as we have seen since working with you. We were so discouraged talking to everyone and getting nowhere. Eventually we stopped even wanting to seek help because nobody understood. Until we found you. We are so grateful to you for all you have taught us about parenting our son in ways that heal him. We believe in what you are doing because we see the results. Thank you, Dr. Sandy, for giving us hope and such amazing tools.” -Michelle R
“We were at the end of our rope, but with Dr. Sandy’s tools we have seen a transformation in our son that we could not have imagined. He is now so much more agreeable, calmer, sweet and loving. It feels as though a cloud has been lifted from him. He is also much more confidant and his self-esteem is building.”
-Kaylee and Mike
“We discovered Dr. Sandy when we thought there was no hope left to help our daughter with her anger, depression and self-doubt. Dr. Sandy helped us realize that there is not only hope, but we can help her and ourselves live a wonderful and happy life together. “We” as a family have made so many positive changes due to Dr. Sandy’s program. Dr. Sandy is a true gift!!” -Erica T
“My husband and I are grandparents to a 13-year-old young lady. We have worked with your online programs and have received tremendous benefit from them. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts! I can’t say enough great things about your work!”
-Debra M.
Copy of an email message sent to Dr. Sandy: “I hope you are well! We have been doing great with Jenny. Everything we learned from you, and are putting into practice, is working! It’s like we are living in a new world and we love it. Thanks again for your help!” -Gabe
“Your video coaching program has not only shifted our reality – it has put us on the road to healing. For that, there are not enough words to thank you. ” Anxiety Program Student
“Dr. Sandy’s approach has greatly changed our family dynamic for the better and our only regret is that we didn’t find her sooner. Since working with Dr. Sandy our son’s behavior has greatly improved and we can’t wait to see what more changes are on the horizon as we consistently use her strategies. The lessons we have learned from Dr. Sandy have had a massive impact on our family and we cannot recommend her enough.” -Lindsey and Justin
‘It’s amazing to think of all the things that have happened in just these 10 weeks. Our son is happier. Our marriage relationship is so much better. We are all communicating in better ways. We’re like a different family’. -10 Session Consulting Client
“I cannot stress enough how your tools have all made such a positive impact on this journey we’ve been going through. We can’t thank you enough. Our lives and our family are changed forever.” -Confident Children Program Student
“Thank you so much for everything you’ve taught us in your marvelous program. We have learned how to communicate so much better with our daughter. Our connection is now stronger than ever. You have given us so many tools to strengthen our relationship with our daughter and with each other. . I am able to appreciate my daughter for the extraordinary, beautiful, unique child she is….and I am learning to believe that I am so enough. Thank you for changing our lives!” -Terri and Steve
“We want to gift the course to someone else who can’t afford it, because of how much it has helped us.” -Confident Children Program Student
“Dr. Sandy has changed our lives one session at a time. She’s helped us rediscover our beautiful boy who we’d lost sight of under some extreme behavior. She has helped us improve the parent child relationship with better attitudes and belief in our son and ourselves and given us the insights to turn a stressful home into a more peaceful environment. We are still a work in progress and continue to build on the small victories. We can’t thank you enough Dr. Sandy. We just wish we’d met you years earlier.” -Hannah F.
“We’ve finished your course on Healing Your Child’s Anxiety and Fear and we are definitively seeing the transformation in ourselves and the ripple effect on our child. This week was even more amazing than the previous two weeks. We spent hours doing things together and talking about things, which hasn’t happened in months. We immensely appreciate the consciousness you are generating.” -Debra M.
“I have listened to several of your webinars, and am just fascinated and amazed. You have a unique talent in teaching material that makes parents feel understood and at the same time giving awareness to areas that need much inner work. I really appreciate your style and wisdom. Thank you!” -Anonymous
“Dr. Sandy’s work is very effective. I have had the pleasure of working with her one on one as well as her incredible online courses. She has helped both of my children during difficult times. Through this work with my children, I began to work with Dr. Sandy to help me with my challenges and triggers as a mother. She quickly uncovered my operating system(s), triggers and patterns that are no longer serving me. I implement what I’ve learned from her in my daily thoughts and practices. She has enlightened and enriched my life in countless ways. I am immensely grateful for her and her work.”
-Shelly W.
“Since we started the program, our son looks so different in the pictures we take of him. There is real joy in his smile”. -Confident Children Program Student
“Your teacher education workshop reached deep into my soul. The information and tools you shared with us changed everything I used to think about what it meant to be a great parent and teacher. Your workshop was a wake-up call for me about how to connect with my students in a way that helps challenged learners reach their full potential. You gave me so much hope.” -Workshop Attendee
“I cannot say enough great things about Dr Sandy’s screen time addiction webinar. The webinar was a “game changer”. Her webinar offers practical tools and advice to approach screen time in a more healthy and responsible manner. Dr Sandy has made us confident that we are doing our best to maintain healthy boundaries when it comes to screen time. I highly recommend this webinar if you are looking for a different approach to managing screen time in your home.”
-Nimisha CK
‘This program has been more important than anything we’ve ever done before. It’s hard to describe the huge growth that has taken place in us’. -10 Session Consulting Client
‘I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you have done for our son. I truly believe that you are an answer to our prayers. My wife and I are witnessing a huge improvement in his level of anxiety. As well as helping our son, you have also personally helped me in many ways that you may or may not know. I thank God for guiding us to you.’ -Mike H.
“Taking Dr Gluckman’s online Parenting That Heals as well as private coaching sessions has been life-changing! I’m so grateful for her teachings and the tools she gave us to learn how to approach challenges with our 7-year-old twins. Her work is truly healing. I’m amazed at how well the techniques work. Most of all, I love how Sandy gives practical tools and even word sequences to use to empower parents to parent from a place of compassion and love. If you are reading this, I’m pretty sure it’s a sign to sign up for the parenting courses. ”
-Johanna L.
‘These 10 weeks have been truly life-changing for us. The work you do is sacred’. -10 Session Consulting Client
“I have been working with Dr. Sandy Gluckman for several months for my daughter’s anxiety. I cannot express adequately how happy I am with the progress. Dr. Sandy has really helped me dive deep and understand the root of the anxiety. I had no idea when I first started my journey with her that I would be improving my relationship with my husband, my children and most importantly, myself! I would highly recommend her programs. ”
-Camille B.
“Thank you so much for sharing your incredible insight, as well as all your guidance and support. You have opened our hearts and minds to a whole new way to help and encourage our precious children. We are forever changed and so thankful.” -Erin S
“Dr. Gluckman is a profound guru of parenting. She not only dives into the upbringing and environment of the child, but also of the parents, family, and marriage. She knows that the key is believing in the child, helping the child know they are more than enough. I highly recommend her as a coach and guide — She has already helped to transform my personal life (and I’m the parent!) We welcome Dr. Gluckman into the inner workings of our family. ”
-Kent McK
“I want to tell you again how impressed I am at the the truly holistic way you are addressing the learning and behavior challenges in my daughter. The changes in her, in a short time, are remarkable. My wish is that all the parents out there will follow your wisdom – they have so much to gain.” -Consulting Client
“Isn’t it interesting in life that we just assume people will be great parents without teaching them any skills? And some of us are great parents when our children are little, but learn we have no tools for the tween/teen years that take more psychology. Dr. Gluckman expanded our tool kit–in our relationship with our children, and also in our marital relationship. She gave us new tools for coping with stress, which had crept in and was robbing our family of joy. We highly recommend her for her focused problem-solving approach; thank you for helping us re-align our spirits Dr. Gluckman.” – Colin & Chantelle. (10 Session graduate)
“Dr. Sandy is extremely professional and gifted. She helped our family accomplish great things in only a short while. I cannot recommend her highly enough! You will be blessed! ”
-Brenda R.
Dr. Sandy reading messages from parents about her coaching program
Students from one of Dr. Sandy’s recent workshops talk about their experiences