The 10-Session Parenting That Heals Program

Dr. Sandy Gluckman

A life changing course to reverse behavior, mood and learning problems by healing your child's spirit, body and brain.

A combination of weekly instructional videos and live Zoom coaching

Next program starts October 15, 2024

What is this Program About?

  • It is about learning how to parent the child in a way that HEALS THE ROOT CAUSES of your child’s symptoms
  • It is about learning how to avoid a diagnosis or reverse the diagnosis if there is one
  • Without putting them through the trauma of therapy
  • Without going from one doctor to another seeking solutions that often don’t work
  • Without medication (when, and if, possible)
  • Without stress, conflict and drama

What makes the 10-Session Parenting That Heals Program completely unique?

It is based on the proven fact...

When Parents Heal, Children Heal.

Over a period of 10 consecutive weeks starting on October 15, 2024 parents receive live Zoom coaching sessions with me, after first watching some instructional videos in preparation for each of the live sessions.

What You Will Learn

  • The answer to the question, ‘Why is my child struggling with behavior, mood or learning challenges?’
  • What’s happening in your child’s brain.
  • What’s happening in your child’s nervous system.
  • The 3 root causes of your child’s challenges.
  • The step-by-step process of how to heal these 3 underlying causes.
  • Powerful parenting tools for reversing your child's symptoms so that they never return
  • How to support your own, and your child’s spirit-body-brain health, with an integrative medicine approach.
  • How your parenting style may be keeping your child stuck with the problem
  • What adjustments to make in your parenting style in order to raise children that are capable of learning easily, feeling good about themselves, behaving positively and loving life.
  • Unique skills for building your child’s self-confidence (that you will not learn anywhere else).
  • The essential steps for building a child's emotional resilience (in ways that really work).
  • How to feel calm, serene and joyful instead of stressed, frustrated, worried and overwhelmed

Who is this Program For?

This Parenting That Heals Program is for the parents who have children from 4 years of age through to the late teens

that are struggling with all kinds of learning, behavior or mood symptoms

or have been diagnosed with:

frightened child looking at camera while lying in bed and huggin


Child with ADHD


Crying child boy hugging his knees on sofa

Eating Disorders

Group of happy children with thumbs up


The program is structured in such a way that the information and tools are totally applicable to children of all ages, from toddlers to late teens and early 20’s, and with different challenges.

Dr. Sandy Gluckman

About the Live Sessions

The live Zoom sessions take place in small groups, once a week, on the same day and time of the week.  Each live session is 75 minutes.

There are two significant benefits of a group experience:

  • Hearing from other parents about their challenges and their successes in implementing the healing tools of the program
  • Hearing my response to their questions will enhance your understanding, knowledge and ability to put the healing tools into practice with your children
  • Research shows that healing takes place more quickly and is more sustainable when it happens in a community.

Live Sessions consist of:

  • A review of what was learned in the previous session
  • Member questions and my answers
  • A new piece of coaching on the healing journey

About the Pre-Session Coaching Videos

You will receive short, highly engaging, and very practical coaching videos containing information and tools prior to each session. This provides you with information and tools which you will practice with your child, before coming to the live session.

These pre-session preparatory videos are yours to keep after we have concluded the 10 sessions. You own these and can revisit them whenever you need to remind yourself of something and sharpen your skills.

What Graduates of the Program Say

“We were at the end of our rope, but with Dr. Sandy’s tools we have seen a transformation in our son that we could not have imagined. He is now so much more agreeable, calmer, sweet and loving. It feels as though a cloud has been lifted from him. He is also much more confidant and his self-esteem is building.”

-Kaylee and Mike

“This program was our child’s exit out of the mental health system and has healed an eating disorder. We have been transformed and our home has been restored. There is no other program that can do what Dr. Sandy can do in just 10 wks of time. We are forever grateful to Dr. Sandy!” “


“I signed up for Dr. Sandy’s program to help me deal with my daughter’s anxiety. I cannot express adequately how happy I am with the progress. Dr. Sandy has really helped me dive deep and understand the root of the anxiety. I had no idea when I first started my journey with her that I would be improving my relationship with my husband, my children and most importantly, myself! I would highly recommend her programs. “

-Camille B.

“This Program has had such profound, deep rooted permanent, positive impact. There’s just no comparing this to anything else. So if I haven’t said it enough times already… Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” – Sharon

Let Me Tell You How I Can Help You and Your Wonderful Kids Overcome these Problems

I Will Work With You

My approach is unique. I work with – and through – you, the parent, teaching you everything you need to know in terms of knowledge and parenting tools, so that YOU are able to use the parent-child relationship to heal your child. I know that what you are doing is done with all the love in the world; you are doing your best, and yet, often this is not what the child needs.

  • I will teach you how to treat ‘the whole child’ – spirit, body and brain, so that your child can be fully healed.
  • Together, we will discover the source of your child’s problems, and address these, so that the problems are reversed, and never return.
  • Then I will teach you what to change in your parenting style so that your child can become the very best version of himself or herself.
  • I will show you how you may, unintentionally, be triggering your child’s problems.
  • I will be an active member of your child's healing journey, supporting you through the healing steps and coaching you on the parenting tools.
  • I will use drug-free solutions, whenever possible.

The Parenting That Heals

10-Session Spirit-Body-Brain Program

Next Group Starts October 15, 2024
See Q & A for fee and sign up instructions

Want to Sign Up? Here's What You Need to Know

Between one hour and 75 minutes depending on the groups needs in that session.

The ideal is for both parents to attend. However, if this is not possible, of course, having one skilled healing parent, is better than none.

There will not be any recordings of the live sessions. It is very important for the participants to attend each session. Each session builds on the previous one.

All participants will commit to honoring the requirement that what is shared in the program remains in the program. I have never had a problem with this in all the years of my work.

The fee is $3500. This includes the live sessions plus the pre-session coaching videos which are available to you forever.

This fee can be paid in full or there is a 6-month interest-free plan on offer.

I like to personally sign parents up for this program. This way I can learn about your needs and advise if this is a good fit for you. To have this conversation with me, please call me on 214 682 8980.

If you are interested, don’t delay calling me. I like to keep the groups small and you may miss the opportunity to attend the earliest group available which means you would be waiting for the next program.

1. Get a journal dedicated to this program.

2. You will receive links to short videos that you need to watch and put into practice before you come to the live session. Be sre to watch these videos at least 5 days before the live session. This will give you 5 days to already start to make the vitally important changes in yourself and with your children, that you will learn from watching the videos.

3. Make notes in your journal about what you learnt from the videos. At the end of the 10 weeks these notes will become your personal parenting roadmap that you will take into the future as a healing parent

4. If you are doing this with a partner/spouse be sure to share journal notes with each other before you come to the live session.

5. Participate and engage in the live session at the level at which you are comfortable.

Moms and Dads, I Know Your Challenges

My work with thousands of parents whose children grapple with learning, behavior and mood problems has shown me that as Moms and Dads you face some or all of these challenges…

  • You feel overwhelmed by the problems
  • You feel confused about the best solutions for the problem
  • You are uncertain about how best to parent your child, worried that you might be making it worse
  • Everyone in your family is stressed by the child’s problems
  • Stress affects your relationship with your spouse
  • Your child starts to believe, ‘I am not enough’ – not good enough, smart enough, talented enough …
  • This low self-worth and low self-esteem prevent your child from learning easily, feeling good and behaving positively
  • The more your child stresses, the worse the problems become – strengthening the bad feeling that they are ‘just not enough.’
  • The more your child struggles, the more you stress

Am I describing your situation?