The dangers of excessive time spent on screens is giving millions of Moms and Dads nightmares.
Have you been worried about your child’s over-attachment to screens?
Have you tried to deal with this without any real success?
Do you feel at a loss as to what to do next about this very important issue?
Folks we’ve been dealing with screen addiction in the wrong way!
The current screen addiction crisis is calling for a new, different and truly effective roadmap, showing parents how to successfully prevent or reverse screen addiction, without stress, conflict and drama.
The Real Way to Prevent and Reverse Screen Addiction.
Even before the pandemic, screen addiction loomed large as a problem that so many families were facing. And with the arrival of the pandemic, screen addiction has become one of THE biggest challenges facing parents today. And it is a serious one! Children who were already showing signs of addiction before the pandemic, and even those who weren’t, are now at serious risk of becoming full blown screen addicts.
More time at home during the ongoing coronavirus lockdown meant more time glued to a screen, for learning purposes as well as for entertainment. Children were using screens as a way of passing time. It was also a way for them to run away from their fears and avoid dealing with their feelings of stress and anxiety.
Exhausted and overwhelmed parents now feel at a loss as to how to navigate such a frightening crisis. Despite their very best efforts, using all kinds of parenting strategies they had learned, parents are discovering that their children’s addictive behaviors seem to continue and even worsen. Parents tell me they are feeling helpless. They feel as though they are ‘damned if they do try to remove the screens and damned if they don’t’.
Preventing screen addiction or reversing already existing addiction, is probably one of the toughest things a parent can face, even under normal circumstances. But these are not normal times. Setting healthy boundaries around screen time in the current situation has become an even more challenging, and sometimes seemingly impossible task.
Until now!
In my upcoming program, I will show you why most efforts to deal with screen addiction fail. I will coach you on a whole new approach, showing you exactly what we need to do differently to deal with this terrible addiction. It is critical for the future mental, intellectual, emotional and physical health of our children, that parents learn how to do this.
New 4-Week Video, Plus Live Training
Coming Soon
Why is this program totally unique?
Because it is a one-of a-kind program based in Neuroscience.
Why is the neuroscience so important?
It is vitally important because screen addiction starts with what is happening in the child’s brain. And what is happening in the child’s brain is dictated by what is happening between the parent and the child. The parent-child relationship can either create a healthy brain or cause the child’s brain to be susceptible to addiction.
I will coach you in how to create a healthy, positive, brain-building relationship with your child, so that you can literally rewire what’s happening in your child’s brain in a way that your child will no longer crave screens.
We will work together, healing and rewiring your child step-by-step, using my highly effective Parenting That Heals Way
What is the Parenting That Heals Way?
We don’t see the child as having a problem
We treat it as a family problem
We don’t try to manage the screen addiction
We heal the child’s emotional need for the screen
We don’t use a band-aid approach
We get to the root cause of the problem and heal that
We don’t try and fix your child from the outside-in
We heal your child from the inside-out, by healing what is hurting on the inside
Children who are addicted to gaming, texting, social media, aren’t doing it because they love it.
They are doing it because they are self-medicating.
And that’s how they become addicted.
We have been dealing with this problem in the wrong way!
Here’s why.
Screen addiction is not the problem.
Screen addiction is a symptom of a deeper problem and when we heal that deeper problem, the screen addiction is reversed.
As you’ll see, it’s not about fixing the child’s addiction to the screen – it’s about healing what caused the addiction in the first place – and then setting new boundaries.
Once we have healed the root cause, that terrible, addictive need and feeling is no longer in control, the child is back in control, and it is easy to set new and healthy boundaries together with the child.
New 4-Week Video, Plus Live Training
Coming Soon
This is a powerful opportunity for you to learn how to treat your child’s addiction to screens by healing the root of the problem.
In this 4-week transformational program, I will guide you through the fundamental spirit-body-brain healing approach to reversing and preventing screen addiction. What does that mean? It means that I will show you how to heal your child’s spirit, body and brain all together in order to fight the addiction, instead of just trying to change the behavior, which will not work.
I will teach you the knowledge, the skills and competencies you’ll need in order to achieve your greatest desire to free your child of this troubling behavior.
Above all, I will coach you on how to do this from your Highest Self.
As you bring this new understanding of how to heal screen addiction into your life, you will begin to see the challenge of screen addiction differently. You will learn how to respond with love, intelligence, and compassion to what is happening inside of your child instead of with frustration, anger, fear and sadness.
Over the course of seven weeks with me, here is just a taste of what I will walk you through…
- Why solutions and tools for managing screen addiction cannot work
- What the root cause of your child’s addiction is
- Why, and how, your child developed this underlying cause (while others didn’t)
- How healing your child’s spirit, body and brain together, prevents and reverses screen addiction
- What it means to heal screen addiction from the inside, not from the outside
- How to build your child’s emotional resilience
- Making friends with YOUR Higher Self
- How to have ‘Healing Conversations’
- What screen addiction is doing to your child’s brain
- How to rewire and de-flame your child’s brain
- What needs to change about how YOU SHOW UP
- How to reset the family lifestyle
- Setting collaborative healthy boundaries
This 4-week course includes 4 pre-recorded video sessions to provide you with the knowledge you need plus 3 LIVE 75-minute coaching sessions in which I teach you the actual skills.
Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete understanding of the principles, practices and tools you’ll need to reverse or prevent your child’s screen addiction
At the end of each pre-recorded video there will be a list of things for you to do before the live session that comes on the following week.

You’ll see my videos through streaming video via any connected device — including my three live coaching sessions.
(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format at your convenience.)
Imagine your life without the stress and conflict and anxiety and worry of your child’s screen addiction…
Imagine how reversing your child’s addiction will open up a whole new future for him or her. Imagine your child feeling good, behaving positively, learning easily, achieving success and loving life!
Hang tight, I am working on it!