Dr. Sandy Gluckman’s Powerful Masterclass
7 Parenting Practices to Build Your Child's Confidence and Emotional Resilience

Resilient, confident children have inner strength, they believe in themselves, are confident in their abilities. They are determined, bold, gutsy and courageous. They know who they are and are proud of it. Resilient, confident children love life, engage easily with others and reach for their dreams. They are excited to try and experience new things. These children are not afraid to be the authentic version of who they truly are.
You cannot teach your children to be this way. It has to come from inside of them. In this Masterclass I show you EXACTLY how to wire your child’s brain to be resilient and confident.
Why I Created This Masterclass
Parents ask me:
Every day, parents ask me: ‘Dr. Sandy just tell me exactly what I need to do, how I need to engage with my child, how to communicate, so that every time I am with my child, I am building his or her emotional strength and self-confidence.’
I get this question so often, that I decided to create a powerful 45-minute video Masterclass that is designed to give you the 7 things every parent needs to know, if they want to strengthen their child’s inner core.
Imagine your children being able to:
- Deal effectively with stress
- Navigate the ups and downs of their world
- Speak up with confidence
- Find their voice
- Release their fears
- Try new things
- Enjoy life to the full
- Be comfortable in their own skin
- Stop having temper tantrums or meltdowns
- Feel personal pride about who they are and what they stand for
- Use their natural talents fully
These are the results you will see when you use my 7 Parenting That Heals Ways.
In order for you to feel the joy of watching your child grow stronger each day, there is one requirement. Once you have watched this webinar, you will need to put these 7 ways into practice every day, applying them in every situation you have with your child.
“Thank you so much for sharing your incredible insight, as well as all your guidance and support. You have opened our hearts and minds to a whole new way to help and encourage our precious children. We are forever changed and so thankful.”
-Erin S
In this 45-Minute Masterclass I show you EXACTLY HOW to use each of these parenting practices effectively
In this Masterclass you get an in-depth description of each of the 7 parenting practices
You will learn ‘How’ to use each of these ways
And there is a check list for you:
- To assess your current level of parenting skill in each of the 7 practices
- Become aware of aspects that you hadn’t thought of and need to attend to
- Decide what you need to stop doing and what you need to start doing
“I have been working with Dr. Sandy Gluckman for my daughter’s anxiety. I cannot express adequately how happy I am with the progress. Dr. Sandy has really helped me dive deep and understand the root of the anxiety. I had no idea when I first started my journey with her that I would be improving my relationship with my husband, my children and most importantly, myself! I would highly recommend her programs.”
-Camille B.
You will discover that these 7 ways are not like anything you have heard before as a parent.
That is because Parenting That Heals is based on Neuroscience which means I will teach you
how to strengthen your child on the inside versus trying to fix the child from the outside.
“Dr. Sandy, I wanted to thank you profusely for this educational journey. It has opened my mind and my heart. My relationship with my daughter is getting so much better now. These tools are very helpful. I have started enjoying her company so much once I started to understand her, which I was just not able to do, rather I wanted her to understand me. She is becoming responsible at school; her grades are improving; she has lost over 11 pounds of weight because she is not stress-eating. I see her smiling and laughing much more these days. She wants to do more activities with me, which never used to be the case, because every encounter would turn into a conflict and a lecture.
All my life, I was not able to empathize and relate to my first born, my child whom I love so much. If it wasn’t for this journey with you, I would have continued to be unable to empathize with her and understand her. God bless you for the work that you do. I am a fan of yours for life”. -Joy
“Dr. Gluckman came into our lives at a particularly challenging time. I was extremely worried about my son’s health and his future. We had tried several different therapies, treatments, and approaches without much success. From day one, Dr. Gluckman provided hope, tangible tools, and a framework for shifting my perspective. She helped me understand what was going on behind my son’s behaviors which enabled me to truly see my son again, to parent with more empathy and compassion, and to find my own place of calm. Once I was able to better manage myself, it was remarkable to see the changes that took place in my son within a very short amount of time. She has brought so much healing and hope to our family of two.””
-Erin M.
7 Parenting Practices to Build
Your Child's Confidence
and Emotional Resilience
All content contained in this program and the supporting materials is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any symptoms, conditions or disorders. Please be certain to consult with your healthcare professional before making any decisions that affect your health or the health of your children.